Schedule summary for 2007OCT

PI Dates Title
M207Walsh08 Feb-23 MarHOPS (the H2O southern galactic Plane Survey)
M266Loenen15 Mar-24 MarMolecular diagnostics of Galactic star-formation regions
M267Sakai15 Oct-17 OctSearch for Warm Carbon-Chain Chemistry in Southern Star-Forming Regions
M268Matthews02 Oct-06 OctSearch for CO in the Magellanic Stream
M269Hieret19 Oct-21 OctExtended emission in three luminous hot cores
M270Hoare02 Oct-10 OctMasers and warm molecular gas towards massive young stars
VLBILovell08 Oct
11 Oct
12 Oct
09 Nov-15 Nov
04 Feb-08 Feb
25 Mar-31 Mar

Generated: Phil Edwards (4-Sep-2007)