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Example: 22000
MOPS Refers to the Mopra Spectrometer, the new polyphase digital filterbank. MOPS can operate in wideband mode (8.2 GHz bandwidth) or zoom mode (137.5 MHz bandwidth).
Example: MOPS Zoom Mode
The value of the system temperature for which you want to make the sensitivity calculation.
Leave blank to use a value that is typical for good observing conditions at an observing elevation of approximately 60 degrees.
For each band the typical range of system temperatures in observing conditions is found to be:
12-mm: 50 to 120 K
7-mm: 60 to 150 K
3-mm: 200 to 700 K (Values > 400 K are for a central frequency above 98 GHz)
Example: 80 K
In this mode the observing sequence is OFF-ON. Where OFF is a spectrum taken a few arcmin offset from target. This observation is followed by a spectrum centred on the target (ON). The OFF spectrum is used for offline continuum/sky subtraction.
The integration time for the OFF spectrum plus the integration time for the ON spectrum. The OFF-ON spectra pair must have the same integration time and because of sky instabilities should be taken no more than 5 min apart in time.
Example: 10 min which is equivalent to an on-source (target) integration time of 5 min
In this mode, also called raster mapping, data is continuously taken while scanning along a row in either RA or Dec. A map is constructed by stacking several different rows. Each row is separated by less than the FWHM beamwidth. At the end of each row a single pointed observation at an OFF (reference) position is required. The OFF position is several arcmin from the mapped area. The OFF spectrum is used for offline/sky continuum subtraction. The scanning speed is limited by the number of seconds to average spectra over before writing to disk. For Mopra this value is currently fixed at 2 s.
Example: 20 arcmin which will produce a map size of 20 x 20 arcmin^2
Example: 2
Last updated 10 Oct 2013 by Dr Balthasar Indermuehle, Omnium Rector