Summary of proposals scheduled for observations
during 98SEPT (25-8-98)
Full schedule can be found at
Summary agrees with Schedule: Version 1 (pages 3, 5-10), Version 2 (pages 1,2,4)
Further changes may not appear in this summary; if
in doubt please consult WWW.
C015 | Manchester | SNR 1987A | 13, 15 Sep, 24, 31 Oct, 23 Nov |
C052 | Hunstead | The Molonglo Southern 4 Jy sample (MS4) | 19-21 Nov |
C109 | Lazendic | An investigation of N157B and 30 Doradus | 26 Sep, 22 Oct |
C186 | Duncan | Continuum and Spectral Observations of Eta Carinae | 24 Sep |
C214 | Carignan | HI mosaic of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy | 7-9 Oct |
C325 | Caswell | Comparison of OH and Methanol Maser Emission | 23, 26 Nov |
C445 | Moffett | Confirmation of maser emission from supernova remnants | 25, 27 Sep |
C494 | Ehle | Magnetic fields in southern barred galaxies | 24 Dec |
C499 | Calzetti | Multifrequency Observations of Starburst Galaxies | 19-20 Dec |
C540 | Tingay | Flux density monitoring of VSOP survey sources | 3 Oct, 30 Nov |
C546 | Brown | Multiwavelength study of flaring and coronal structure on HR1099 | 10, 11, 13 Sep |
C561 | Rayner | Circular-polarization monitoring of extra-Galactic sources | 2, 27 Oct, 2, 18 Nov |
C567 | Whiteoak | Proposal to use the Compact Array to image selected HII regions in the Magellanic Clouds | 30, 31 Dec |
C596 | Dickey | The ATCA Southern Galactic Plane Survey: First Pass | 25-30 Dec |
C611 | Kedziora-Chudczer | Monitoring and ToO observations of PKS 0405-385 | Sep 9 (2), 10, 11, 12, 15, 23, 30,
Oct 6, 13, 22, 30 Nov 4, 11, 19, 25, 30, Dec 10, 15 |
C618 | Lovell | Measuring the lensing time delay in PKS 1830-211 | Sep 11, 16, 20, 26,
Oct 1, 7, 11, 18, 21, 27, Nov 5, 13, 24, Dec 5, 10, 20 |
C631 | Huchtmeier | HI-synthesis of three Karachentsev dwarf galaxies | 23-25 Oct, 4 Dec |
C638 | Webster | High resolution observations of multibeam detections | 12, 15 Dec |
C639 | Tzioumis | Monitoring of Blazars observed with SAX | 18 Sep, 28 Oct |
C655 | Dahlem | Radio halos in spirals | 17-19 Oct |
C695 | Putman | Unveiling the fine structure of high-velocity clouds | 7-10, 12-13 Dec |
C697 | Sadler | SUMSS sources with unusual radio structure | 21-23 Oct, 6, 8 Dec |
C705 | Beaulieu | HI observations of dE/dSO galaxies in the Centaurus A and Sculptor groups | 16-18 Dec |
C723 | Johnston | Probing cluster magnetic fields | 23, 24 Sep |
C726 | Gaensler | Faraday rotation at high spectral resolution | 12 Nov |
C727 | Norris | Observations of the Hubble Southern Deep Field | 17, 19, 23 Sep,
2, 27, 29, 30, 31 Oct, , 1, 3, 9, 22 Nov |
C729 | Dodson | Settling the extent of G343.1-2.3 | 14, 15 Sep, 23 Dec |
C734 | Beer | Investigations into the extended structure of a newly-discovered AGN | 15 Nov |
C735 | Crawford | Imaging of three new young pulsars | 31 Oct, 1 Nov (2) |
C736 | Duncan | Detailed study of the Galactic centre polarised plume | 12, 13 Oct |
C737 | Fender | The relativistic jet of Circinus X-1 | 4, 17, 30 Oct, 2 Nov |
C738 | Green | HI in the environs of Galactic supernova remnants | 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 Oct |
C739 | Gruppioni | Radio observations of the ISO ELAIS Deep region S2 | 27, 28, 30 (2) Sep |
C741 | Lazendic | Search for excited OH counterparts of 1720 MHz maser emission in SNRs associated with molecular clouds | 18-22 Nov |
C742 | Macquart | Multifrequency flux density and polarization monitoring of IDV sources | 9-14 Sep |
C743 | McIntyre | Search for pulsed radio emission from SGR 1806-20 | 28, 29 Sep |
C744 | Pisano | Extended HI and the formation of isolated galaxies | 5 Dec |
C747 | Richards | A planetary nebula associated with helium shell-flash star V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's object) | 25 Nov |
C749 | Sevenster | Unusual OH maser point-sources from the Galactic-plane survey | 10, 11, 13 (2), 14, 15 Nov |
C751 | Stappers | Continuum radio emission from SAX J1808.4-3658 | 5 Oct, 30 Nov |
C752 | Staveley-Smith | Discrete sources in the PYTHON CMB fields | 1, 2 Jan |
C754 | Zhang | Mapping the Galactic "Super Star Cluster" NGC 3603 | 19 Oct |
C755 | Sadler | Detection and monitoring of radio supernovae | 16 Sep |