Schedule summary for 2008OCT

PI Dates Title
M207Walsh29 Jan-22 Feb
02 Mar-22 Mar
HOPS - the H2O southern galactic Plane Survey
M270Urquhart10 Oct-19 OctMasers and warm molecular gas towards massive young stars
M292Fuller01 Oct-10 OctAn Unbiased Survey for Class I Methanol Masers
M319Braun01 Oct-07 Oct
12 Oct-29 Oct
Star Formation at Intermediate Red-shift
M322Liu30 Oct-03 NovLine survey toward NGC253 and NGC1068 from 80GHz to 110GHz with the Mopra
M346Benedettini20 Oct-26 OctNH3 survey of Lupus 1 and 3 molecular clouds
M347Burton23 Mar-30 MarDo the cyanopolyynes provide a chemical clock for hot molecular cores?
M348Thompson23 Mar-30 MarWide-area molecular mapping of two Giant HII regions: star formation past, present and yet to come
VLBIPhillips25 Nov-01 Dec
23 Feb-02 Mar

Generated: Phil Edwards (2-Oct-2008)