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The /CATAG page in CAMON


CATAG status        : Running
Last Pointing       : FAILED     yyyy-mmm-dd  hh:mm:ss (UT)
Messages : message line which might go over to message
         : line 2 if it is too long.

Mode                : SELFCAL     Number Integrations    :  3
User IF selection   : 1234        User Antenna selection : 123456
Current ScanType    : POINT       Currnet Pointing       : GLOBAL

                        CA01   CA02   CA03   CA04   CA05   CA06
Current Az offset   :  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  (arcsec)
Current El offset   :  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  (arcsec)

Last Valid Pointing :  yyyy-mmm-dd  hh:mm:ss (UT)     Az: ###.#
Source              :  aaaaaaaaa    PNTCOM: ###       El:  ##.#
Az correction       :  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  (arcsec)
El correction       :  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  +##.#  (arcsec)

Explanation of fields:

CATAG status Indicates if the CATAG program is running

Last Pointing The status return of the last pointing scan attempted, and the data/time. Note that all pointing scans report a status, not just those with POINT=UPDATE or REFPNT

Messages If a pointing has failed, some diagnostic messages are displayed here.

Mode Pointing mode

Number Integrations Number of integrations to spend on each point in the pattern. Set with set point_pattern in CAOBS.

User IF selection The IFs to use for pointing solutions. 12 are XX,YY for the first frequency, 34 are XX,YY for the second frequency. Set with point_ifflag in CAOBS.

User Antenna selection The set of antennas which the user has desegnated as available for pointing. Usually 123456, and let CAOBS work out which ones to use. Set with point_antennas in CAOBS

Current ScanType Sctype field of current integration. Set in SCHED.

Current Pointing Pointing field. Set in SCHED.

Current Az/El offset These are the offsets from the global pointing solution which are currently installed in the ACCs.

Last Valid Pointing Time/date at which the last successful point scan completed. This includes all scans, not just those with POINTING=UPDATE or REFPNT.

Source Source used for the last successful pointing scan.

Az/El Azimuth and elevation at which the last successful pointing scan was conducted.

PNTCOM The PNTCOM record into which the last successful pointing scan was written. Used by operations staff when doing global pointing after a reconfig.

Az/El correction The pointing corrections determined in the last successful pointing. They are relative to whatever the pointing parameters were at the time. Thus, for reference pointing using POINTING=UPDATE, the Az/El corrections may be different to the Current Az/El offsets, as the former are incremental and the later are absolute with respect to the global pointing solutions.

Original: Dave Rayner (2001)
Modified: Bob Sault (6-Sep-2003)