"MoniCA" Monitoring Software
Java Installation Instructions:
This can be done using OpenWebStart Java Web Start Technology. OpenWebstart will also download and install
a Java Virtual Machine runtime environment if one is not available on your machine. There has also been success using AdoptOpenJDK or a combination of
Amazon Corretto (JVM) and IcedTea-Web (Java WebStart) though the process is not as straight forward in our experience.
Please note that Oracle Java no longer supports "Java Web Start" Technology and therefore is no longer a viable option.
MoniCA Installation Instructions:
Your browser should recognise the link as a Java Web Start application. Your computer will then download program files from the web server and give options to install shortcuts on your computer. When prompted, it is recommended to give permanent access permission for a link at https://www.narrabri.atnf.csiro.au. If the shortcuts don't install properly you can start MoniCA using the following command (we suggest you make an alias or script so you don't need to retype the whole URL each time):
javaws https://www.narrabri.atnf.csiro.au/open-monica/OpenMoniCA.JNLP
Each time you start MoniCA, Web Start will check if there is an updated version available, if there is, it will be installed on your PC. This is a great way of ensuring that you always have the latest available version.
Getting Started:
Once MoniCA starts up you can use the Navigator menu to select between different display pages that have been defined. The pages are displayed in a
heirarchical format for easier navigation, but it might take you a while to become familiar with what pages are available.
Each page is made up of one or more components, called Panels. For instance there are panels for "tables of current values" and "time series graphs". Tabs appear that let you control what each panel displays, for instance if you click on the setup tab for a Time Series graph panel you can change the time-span or title of a graph. You can also add or remove panels from the current display through the Setup menu, in this manner new display pages can be created. If you create a page that you want to keep, you can save that setup to your local computer through the Setup menu. If you think your new page will be useful to others, let us know and we'll add it in so that everyone can access it!
Original: David Brodrick (09-Sep-2005)
Modified: Peter Mirtschin (28-May-2020)