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UPSMON is a program to monitor the state of the UPS associated with Mopra and the Narrabri Control Building. It takes a small number of simple commands:
  • summary
  • status (gives the state of various circiut breakers in the system)
  • alarms (this is not implemented)
  • history (shows the last power interruption and last time the UPS discharged.
  • ? - A help command (it gives less information than that presented here).
  1. To enter a command, hit the first letter of the command, then wait ... and after ~70 seconds (yes 70 seconds), a menu block with pop up to allow you to complete the command.
  2. Currently the time given on the Mopra UPS is fast by 63 minutes.

Original: Bob Sault (04-Oct-2004)
Modified: Bob Sault (09-Jan-2005)