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Format of an ephemeris file

Below is an example on an ephemeric file.
#  ATCA ephemeris file for Comet Hale-Bopp
#  Positions are Geocentric J2000 (no aberration), but corrected for light travel time.
#    date    Earth UTC   TAI        R.A.            Dec               dRA/dT(s/day)   dDec/dT("/day)        Re/r (")
 25-FEB-1997  0:00:00   0:00:30  21:01:27.23100   30:16:25.22300        287.58400       2677.21600          5.68465
 25-FEB-1997  6:00:00   6:00:30  21:02:39.12900   30:27:34.53100        290.14400       2683.20000          5.69938
 25-FEB-1997 12:00:00  12:00:30  21:03:51.66700   30:38:45.33500        292.70400       2688.80000          5.71420
 25-FEB-1997 18:00:00  18:00:30  21:05: 4.84500   30:49:57.53900        295.32800       2694.01600          5.72909
 26-FEB-1997  0:00:00   0:00:30  21:06:18.67800   31:01:11.04700        297.98400       2699.16800          5.74405
 26-FEB-1997  6:00:00   6:00:30  21:07:33.17600   31:12:25.84200        300.64000       2704.00000          5.75910
 26-FEB-1997 12:00:00  12:00:30  21:08:48.33800   31:23:41.84500        303.36000       2708.41600          5.77423
 26-FEB-1997 18:00:00  18:00:30  21:10: 4.18000   31:34:58.95200        306.08000       2712.80000          5.78943
 27-FEB-1997  0:00:00   0:00:30  21:11:20.70200   31:46:17.15500        308.83200       2716.80000          5.80472
 27-FEB-1997  6:00:00   6:00:30  21:12:37.91200   31:57:36.35800        311.68000       2720.38400          5.81624
 27-FEB-1997 12:00:00  12:00:30  21:13:55.83400   32:08:56.45600        314.46400       2723.61600          5.83166
 27-FEB-1997 18:00:00  18:00:30  21:15:14.45200   32:20:17.36200        317.37600       2726.40000          5.84717
 28-FEB-1997  0:00:00   0:00:30  21:16:33.79900   32:31:38.96500        320.28800       2729.60000          5.86277
 28-FEB-1997  6:00:00   6:00:30  21:17:53.87300   32:43: 1.36600        323.16800       2731.58400          5.87844
 28-FEB-1997 12:00:00  12:00:30  21:19:14.66700   32:54:24.26300        326.14400       2733.63200          5.89025
 28-FEB-1997 18:00:00  18:00:30  21:20:36.20500   33:05:47.67300        329.12000       2735.20000          5.90608

Original: Bob Sault
Modified: Bob Sault (28-Mar-2004)