ATCA Release notes for 2012APR
CABB modes: The 2012APR semester will commence with the "standard" CABB 1MHz continuum mode available, and with up to 16 zoom bands per IF available in the 1M-0.5k mode. The 64MHz CABB mode currently provides 32 channels of 64MHz bandwidth, with a single 64MHz zoom band having 2048 channels across it, in each IF. It is hoped that the 64MHz mode will be available with up to 16 zoom bands available in each IF early in the semester. CABB mode changes are mostly routine, except for changes to the 1MHz zoom mode, which require approximately one hour: this mode change is done by local staff or the DA.
Array Configurations: As noted in the call for proposals, arrays are only scheduled if (after TAC consideration and grading) there is sufficient demand for them. All arrays offered in the call for proposals have been scheduled in 2012APR.
Receivers: Work has commenced on the 6cm/3cm ("C/X") upgrade, which will provide coverage over the range from 4.0 to about 10.8 GHz and thus fill the gap between the existing 6cm and 3cm bands. The first prototype receiver was installed in November 2011. The next upgraded receiver is likely to be installed in the latter half of the 2012APR semester.
Daylight Saving: Daylight saving will end in NSW on Sunday 1 April 2012 at 3:00 am, when clocks will be put back one hour. The schedule is in AEST. During the daylight saving period, local "clock time" is one hour ahead of AEST, so 7am AEST is 8am daylight saving time. (Daylight saving will next start in NSW at 2:00 am on the first Sunday in October, when clocks are put forward one hour.)
Leap Second: A leap second will be introduced at 00:00 UT on July 1st. A block of time has been reserved in the schedule to ensure the leap second is appropriately handled by observatory hardware and software.
Public Holidays: The Easter long weekend runs from Friday 6 April to Monday 9 April. Good Friday (April 6) and Easter Monday (April 9) are public holidays. Wednesday April 25 is the ANZAC Day public holiday. Monday June 11 is the Queen's Birthday public holiday.
Version History:
Version 1 of the schedule was released on 1 March 2012.
Version 2 of the schedule was released on 10 April 2012.
Generated: Phil Edwards (10-apr-2012)