About ATNF
About ATNF overview News | Events Contact us
Governance overview Australia Telescope Steering Committee Time Assignment Committee Australia Telescope User Committee
Our people
Our people overview Management | Director S&A Diversity Committee
Publications overview Annual reports Newsletters
Careers overview Astrophysics graduate student programs Summer vacation program Work experience for school students
ATNF facilities
Marsfield headquarters Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory Parkes radio telescope Australia Telescope Compact Array Mopra radio telescope Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex Very Long Baseline Interferometry
Information & tools for observers
Applying for observing time Current telescope status On-Line Proposal Applications and Links (OPAL) Data Access and Archives Observers tools & information Observing schedules Scientific support of facilities Accommodation & computing reservations Computing: Getting started guide [internal access] Publications & acknowledgements Contact us
Visiting the ATNF sites
ATNF Booking & Induction System
Visitors guides
Marsfield | MRO | MSF | Parkes | ATCA
Information for observers
Parkes | ATCA | Mopra | CDSCC | VLBI
Schedules & rosters
Parkes | ATCA | VLBI
User feedback
Leave feedback
Astrophysics overview Astrophysics staff Graduate student programs Postdoctoral fellowships Visitor programs Events
Square Kilometre Array
Square Kilometre Array overview
Technology overview Receivers & dishes Digital systems ATNF Technical Memos
Spectrum management
Spectrum management overview
Astronomical tools & software
Astronomical tools & software overview ASAP | ASKAPSoft | ATELIB | Coord | Duchamp IDL [external link] | Karma | livedata/gridzilla | Miriad | MONICA Planets | PSRCat Radial Velocities | RPFITS | TCS Virtual Radio Interferometer WCSLIB
ATNF Technical Memos
Information portals
On-Line Proposal Applications and Links (OPAL) CSIRO ATNF Data Archives CSIRO Radio Astronomy Image Archive
Visiting our telescopes
Visiting Parkes radio telescope Visiting Australia Telescope Compact Array
Webcams & interactive maps
Parkes radio telescope webcam ATCA Live
CSIRO Radio Astronomy Image Archive
Education programs & resources
CSIRO education PULSE@Parkes Work experience for senior students Teacher resources
External links
Universe@CSIRO blog Parkes Observatory online store Public observatories Become an astronomer CSIROpedia