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ATCA Reference Pointing

The diagnostic line:

CATAG generates a diagnostic line every integration. A banner line is printed every source change.

WARNING! Some values are not updated until CATAG is getting valid visibility data. Be patient!

The columns in the diagnostic line are:

· Style Either "HOLOG" or "SELFCAL".

· PP point_pattern setting.

· C#  The category; this indicates the antenna offsets/pointing mode for the integration. See Antenna pointing patterns.

· Source Source name.

· UT Time Time of last integration.

· IFs Indicate which antennas user has selected with point_ifflag

· AntFlg The antenna flags for the integration. A "." indicates good data for an antenna, an "X" indicates an antenna is currently returning unusable data, and an "x" indicates that an antenna will not be used for the current pointing scan (either because it was flagged bad by the system at the start of the scan, or the user has excluded it with point_antennas).

· BL The baseline for which the flux is printed. A baseline/polarization is selected automatically from the valid set.

· psFlux Pseudo-flux (ie. visibility amplitude) for the selected baseline., If you're getting zero flux for on-source scans, it means there is a problem.

· ScType SCHED scan type.

· Pointing SCHED pointing.

BUG: The diagnostic line doens't know about IF selection.

Original: Dave Rayner (15-MAY-2001)
Modified: Bob Sault (26-SEP-2002)