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Setting Up Remote Observing on the Remote Observing Station in Marsfield

The ATCA remote observing station (now Ara, which replaced Carina in late 2009) in Rm 23 has been set up for remote obsering. The neighbouring remote observing station in Rm 23 is Norma, which is available for Mopra remote observing.

You will need to obtain the following prior to remote observing:

  • Permission to remote observe. Use the Request for Remote Observing Form
  • The remobs password for the Ara (or Norma) workstation (from Marsfield computing staff)
  • The phone number of the Duty Astronomer room at the Narrabri lodge
  • For Mopra Observations, the current Mopra vnc password (talk to Balt)

To set Ara up

Login to ara as remobs

Answer yes (y) to open windows

For ATCA observations, follow the Guide to setting up Remote Observing with the ATCA

For Mopra observations, follow the Guide to setting up Remote Observing with Mopra


Original: Kate Brooks (9-Mar-2009)
Modified: Robin Wark (16-Mar-2009), Phil Edwards (29-Jan-2010)