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Overview of the ATCA website

Information for the public

The general information pages contain facts for the public: about the Visitors Centre and directions on how to get here, as well as history and general information about the observatory and its surroundings. In the information pages you can read about radio astronomy, see photos of the antennas and images captured by the telescope. We also recommend anyone interested in radio astronomy to look at the ATNF educational and outreach pages.

Information for staff

The ATCA internal area contains links of interest to staff, such as regulations, administration, ohs, meetings etc. Of particular interest might be the staff list and contact details. The library and the computing pages are also useful.
Documentation on operations (calibration etc.) and software development are intended for staff rather than for visiting scientists.

Information for observers

These pages are directed toward observers using the ATCA and/or Mopra observatories. Note that the Mopra Observatory also has a separate home page with additional information.
The observing information page is the information centre on how to use the telescopes. Here you will find links on how to apply for observing time, schedules and observing tools etc. The telescope information page includes links to the array configuration, the ATCA monitor page, and technical specifications of the telescope.
The software pages list and describe the software used running the telescope.
Visiting observers should read through the ATCA safety information.
Other useful links include the library, and the computing pages provide information on the local computer systems.

Original: Eva Boralv (27-Apr-2004)
Modified: Peter Mirtschin (9-Jul-2019)